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10 questions with...
Zoe Kavaltzi
Greek teacher

How many languages do you speak?
Two- English and Greek.
What is the most difficult aspect of Greek to teach?
Forms that don’t exist in some other languages like other cases of the nouns and adjectives.
Is there something you particularly enjoy teaching?
Past, future and subjunctive! I love the way doors open for the students when they learn these!
Do you find there is much difference teaching Greek to different nationalities? Do different nationalities exhibit different strengths / weaknesses for example, and if so, can you give a couple of examples?
I think that one’s first language determines at some degree the way they learn other languages. For example, the native english speakers find it very hard to comprehend the use of accusative case, or the fact that they don’t need to use the personal pronoun, or the genders of the nouns!
How would you describe your teaching methodology?
In one to one lessons things flow very smoothly. I tend to follow my students’ needs. They guide me on how to guide their learning. I just provide the material, my love and good mood each time!
In groups the dynamic is different. I feel like adjusting the weights of a scale each time! At some point you do reach a balance, but the challenge there is even bigger.
And now a bit more about you personally....
When life returns to a more normal state, what restaurant in Cyprus would you like to visit again and what dish would you order?
A few restaurants with vegan options in Nicosia, like Elysian. But also some new ones in Limassol!
What's your favourite place in Cyprus to visit?
I love the view on the left when driving from Limassol to Paphos. Especially the Aphrodite’s rock spot in the afternoon!
What country would you like to visit most, and why?
Central and South America because of the mythical and magical civilizations that lived there.
Can you tell us your favourite book, tv series and film?
Book: Making love to God
Tv series : I don’t watch any.
Film: one I watched recently Eat, pray, love.
Name 3 things you'd take on a desert island with you.
Given that the island is in the tropical zone and there are plenty of fruits, nothing else! :)
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